Beck Steals My Thunder
by Phillip Rogers
I had the distinct honor of being one of the musical guest at the “Take Back America” convention which was hosted by the good folks at Freedomworks on the Friday evening before the 8/28 “Restoring Honor” rally.
The event was held at the Daughters of the American Revolution Constitution Hall which is located a block or so from The White House. .
In some miraculous way at some point during the past year, “Can You Hear Us Now?” was played within earshot of the President and CEO of Freedomworks, Mr. Matt Kibbe and I was graciously invited to perform at this years convention as well as the 9/12 rally at the capital this year.
The people from Freedomworks were as nice as anyone could be but after arriving twenty minutes early for a 5:00 pm sound check (that never happened), I proceeded to stumble into the most inept sound crew on the planet. I ended up suffering through the entire performance without any monitor since the closest one was fifteen feet to my back and right and facing in the direction of my nine o’clock.
On top of that, what I was able to hear had a full second delay from the time I sang and played to the time it bounced of the wall on the other side of the hall and came back to me.
I hate to come across as a “Tin Hatter” but the whole time I was thinking this production has been sabotaged by liberal political opponents.
Oh Yeah….as if that wasn’t enough….just when you think it couldn’t get anymore confusing.
Who shows up and horns in front of me?
Glenn Beck.
Can You Hear Us Now? by Phillip Rogers
by Phillip Rogers
Just like millions of other Americans, 2009 has pretty much been the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. I don’t belong to any political party but I am one of the silent majority that has had enough of the elitist politicians in Washington, DC who have somehow concluded that common sense is something that makes sense only to common people. And somehow regardless of what the commoner’s lying eyes and ears tell them, the elite few who live in and around the District of Columbia and on the east side of Manhattan somehow know what is best for us, the minions and our silly little country. Continue Reading